Nadia Porcar & ryotaro
Mitsu Salmon
OPEN 18:00 / START 20:00
no charge!
Nadia, a singer and filmmaker from France welcome and farewell performance. I will be doing a few songs with ryotaro, accordionist as well.
Nadia, a singer and filmmaker from France welcome and farewell performance. I will be doing a few songs with ryotaro, accordionist as well.
「 Ur食堂LIVE! 」気軽にパフォーマンスに触れて頂く機会をと 食堂営業時にライブをやっております。
2.17 (thu) JunKroom special event
Great International Show with 3 guests from Norway!
Sigbj_rn Apeland and Espen Sommer Eide (duo)
Sseeaann Rrooee (solo)
Mitsu Salmon & ryotaro
OPEN 18:45 / START 19:00
adv.1800 yen with 1drink / door.2000 yen with 1drink
学生割引:1800 yen with 1drink